ESA Productions

Show name ALD Member Type Venue/Company Creative team Opens
Limelight - A Musical Showcase Austin G Choudhrey Non-professional Elstree University Technical College
ESA Productions
Director: James Marks
Jun 2019
Limelight - A Musical Showcase Jack Fenton Non-professional Elstree University Technical College
ESA Productions
Director: James Marks
Jul 2018
Lord of the Flies Jack Fenton Non-professional Elstree University Technical College
ESA Productions
Director: Andrew Mallen
Set designer: Adam Rose
Jun 2018
Lord of the Flies Austin G Choudhrey Non-professional Elstree University Technical College
ESA Productions
Lighting designer: Jack Fenton
Director: Andrew Mallen
Set designer: Adam Rose
Jun 2018
Macbeth: Blackbox Austin G Choudhrey Non-professional Elstree University Technical College
ESA Productions
Director: Chelsea Thomas
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