Paul Farnsworth

Show name ALD Member Type Venue/Company Creative team Opens
Pacific Overtures Jacob Gowler Musical The Menier Chocolate Factory
Chocolate Factory Productions
Lighting designer: Paul Pyant
Director: Matthew White
Set designer: Paul Farnsworth
Nov 2023
The Producers Joshua Kroon Theatre Det Ny Teater Lighting designer: Nick Richings
Director: Lisa Kent
Set designer: Paul Farnsworth
Sep 2022
Oliver David Howe Theatre Det Ny Theatre, Copenhagen Director: Daniel Bohr
Set designer: Paul Farnsworth
Sep 2020
Fiddler on the Roof (Danish Translation) David Howe Musical Det Ny Theatre, Copenhagen Director: Daniel Bohr
Set designer: Paul Farnsworth
Sep 2019
Mrs Warren's Profession David Howe Theatre Comedy Theatre, West End
Bath Theatre Royal Productions
Director: Michael Rudman
Set designer: Paul Farnsworth
Mar 2010
Berlin Hanover Express David Howe Theatre Hampstead Theatre Director: Michael Rudman
Set designer: Paul Farnsworth
Mar 2009
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