Photograph from Happy Birthday Without You - lighting design by Max Blackman
Happy Birthday Without You |
Photograph from Happy Birthday Without You - lighting design by Max Blackman
Sonia Jalaly | Photographer: Luke Pajak

Happy Birthday Without You

with Max Blackman as Lighting Designer


Set designer:

Sound designer:

21/01/2015 to 24/01/2015

Show type:

Production photographs

Photograph from Happy Birthday Without You - lighting design by Max Blackman
Photograph from Happy Birthday Without You - lighting design by Max Blackman
Photograph from Happy Birthday Without You - lighting design by Max Blackman
Photograph from Happy Birthday Without You - lighting design by Max Blackman

Press quotes

The lighting and music were also very cleanly cut and fitted the play down to a ‘T’. Each piece of music that was used heightened the emotion that Jalay was demonstrating with her words or actions; it was comic, it was tense, it was brilliant. In a similar sense, the lighting added to these moments... continue reading
Kat Caunter, London Theatre 1 23/01/2015