Photographer: Smari Gunn
Photographer: Smari Gunn
Photographer: Smari Gunn


with Sherry L Coenen as Lighting Designer
, then touring

Sound designer:

21/03/2014 to 22/05/2015
12/03/2016 to 29/05/2016

Show type:

Production photographs

Press quotes

Sherry Coenen’s lighting is also refreshing, with simple washes and specific illuminations being employed to highlight poignant moments in Ted’s story
Adam Bruce, A Younger Theatre 23/05/2016
Smoking Apples and Little Cauliflower have created a partnership that truly understands the power of what they do and the limitless potential of their artform. From Sherry Coenen’s lighting design and the great use of light in telling ‘Ted’s’ story, and Samuel Wyer’s shadow puppetry to composer... continue reading
The New Current 15/03/2015