Photograph from Narcissus and Echo - lighting design by Kelli Zezulka
Photographer: Giulia Scrimieri
Photograph from Narcissus and Echo - lighting design by Kelli Zezulka
Photographer: Giulia Scrimieri
Photograph from Narcissus and Echo - lighting design by Kelli Zezulka
Photographer: George Rodosthenous
Photograph from Narcissus and Echo - lighting design by Kelli Zezulka
Photographer: Giuila Scrimieri
Photograph from Narcissus and Echo - lighting design by Kelli Zezulka
Photographer: George Rodosthenous

Narcissus and Echo

with Kelli Zezulka as Lighting Designer
, then touring


Set designer:

Costume designer:

05/10/2011 to 20/10/2011

Show type:

Designer's notes: 
Touring: The Lowry, Salford; Theatre in the Mill, Bradford; Kings Head Theatre, London

Production photographs

Photograph from Narcissus and Echo - lighting design by Kelli Zezulka
Photograph from Narcissus and Echo - lighting design by Kelli Zezulka
Photograph from Narcissus and Echo - lighting design by Kelli Zezulka
Photograph from Narcissus and Echo - lighting design by Kelli Zezulka
Photograph from Narcissus and Echo - lighting design by Kelli Zezulka
Photograph from Narcissus and Echo - lighting design by Kelli Zezulka
Photograph from Narcissus and Echo - lighting design by Kelli Zezulka
Photograph from Narcissus and Echo - lighting design by Kelli Zezulka
Photograph from Narcissus and Echo - lighting design by Kelli Zezulka
Photograph from Narcissus and Echo - lighting design by Kelli Zezulka

Press quotes

The lighting by Kelli Zezulka creates an atmosphere that [is] only matched by the eeriness of the background score...
Christopher Faith, What's On Stage 06/10/2011