The characters of Becca and Howie |
The characters of Becca and Nat. |

Rabbit Hole

with KC Wilkerson as Lighting Designer



Set designer:

Costume designer:

Sound designer:

11/05/2008 to 08/06/2008

Show type:

Designer's notes: 
The Orange County premiere of the 2007 Pulitzer Prize winning play was lit with an assortment of conventional fixtures. I programmed the show on an ETC Express 48/96.

Production photographs

Press quotes

'Propelling the the wonderful work seen onstage by lighting designer KC Wilkerson''
Obed Medina, EDGE Los Angeles 16/05/2008
'KC Wilkerson's lighting is particularly effective''
Steven Stanley, StageSceneLA 18/05/2008
'KC Wilkerson's lighting is realistic and unshowy''
Eric Marchese, Orange County Register 16/05/2008
'KC Wilkerson's light design creates mood and illusion...''
Shirely Gottlieb, Stage Happenings 03/06/2008