Photograph from Her Majesty the Queen's Golden Jubilee - lighting design by Durham Marenghi
Photographer: Louise Stickland
Photograph from Her Majesty the Queen's Golden Jubilee - lighting design by Durham Marenghi
Photographer: Louise Stickland
Photograph from Her Majesty the Queen's Golden Jubilee - lighting design by Durham Marenghi
Photographer: Louise Stickland
Photograph from Her Majesty the Queen's Golden Jubilee - lighting design by Durham Marenghi
Photographer: Louise Stickland

Her Majesty the Queen's Golden Jubilee

with Durham Marenghi as Lighting Designer

Sound designer:


Show type:

Production photographs

Photograph from Her Majesty the Queen's Golden Jubilee - lighting design by Durham Marenghi
Photograph from Her Majesty the Queen's Golden Jubilee - lighting design by Durham Marenghi
Photograph from Her Majesty the Queen's Golden Jubilee - lighting design by Durham Marenghi
Photograph from Her Majesty the Queen's Golden Jubilee - lighting design by Durham Marenghi
Photograph from Her Majesty the Queen's Golden Jubilee - lighting design by Durham Marenghi
Photograph from Her Majesty the Queen's Golden Jubilee - lighting design by Durham Marenghi
Photograph from Her Majesty the Queen's Golden Jubilee - lighting design by Durham Marenghi
Photograph from Her Majesty the Queen's Golden Jubilee - lighting design by Durham Marenghi

Press quotes

"...That was a triumph - it could not have been better or more spectacular..."
Producer Sir Major Michael Parker,
"...Buckingham Palace turned neon pink and beautiful images were beamed onto it. The building became a work of art - the kind of art that speaks volumes to my generation..."
India Knight, The Times
"...As a culturally savvy, triumphantly modern spectacle, I've never seen anything like was the most extraordinary modern and so uniquely British: no other nation would have had the bottle..."
India Knight, The Times