'The Specialist'' | Photographer: Doug Cattilier - True Image Studio
Pinball Wizard | Photographer: Doug Catillier
Narrator and Tommy | Photographer: Doug Cattlier - True Image Studio
I Am The Light | Photographer: Doug Catillier
The Acid Queen | Photographer: Doug Catillier

The Who's Tommy

with KC Wilkerson as Lighting Designer


Costume designer:

02/07/2010 to 15/08/2010

Show type:

Designer's notes: 
This show is lit with an assortment of conventional fixtures plus (4) MAC250 Entours, (6) StudioSpot 250's, (4) Elation DesignStrips, (4) Elation Design LED PARs, (4) Elation Impressions, (16) SGM Palcos, (5) reVEALs, and 32 Chauvet Curtain Strobes. Video is provided by a Catalyst media server running custom and stock content. The show was programmed on a Hog II by me and Joshua Miller.

Production photographs

Press quotes

The stars of the night are Sound Designer Casey Long and the extraordinary light show by KC Wilkerson, utilizing full-motion video under the control of the lighting console. You must see this dazzling display of psychedelic projections, moving lights and LED fixtures...the most astounding lighting... continue reading
Tony Frankel, Stage and Cinema 04/08/2010
The moving lights, video projections and LED panels help Tommy's world come to vivid life in such a way that has never been attempted in previous black-box productions this reviewer has seen, with lighting/video design by KC Wilkerson, the whole show seems like it has been dropped inside a... continue reading
Michael L. Quintos, Broadway World 02/08/2010
...amazingly rendered in KC Wilkerson’s video and lighting design...
Ben Miles, Press-Enterprise 10/08/2010
The opening alone is worth the trip...KC Wilkerson (lighting designer extraordinaire) was able to create special effects and video projections that set the scene for the drama to come. Reminiscent of old silent movies, not a word is spoken while the back-story of ''Tommy'' is... continue reading
Shirle Gottleib, Stage Happenings 15/07/2010
Designed by KC Wilkerson, awe-inspiring projected images and dazzling conglomerations of moving lights augment scenic designer Christopher Scott Murillo's skeletal but well-conceived set.
Les Spindle, Backstage 10/07/2010
The production also sports some technological advances heretofore unseen at the Chance, equipped with LED fixtures, moving lights and full-motion video projections custom-designed for this staging. The results far outstrip anything the theater has previously done. Wilkerson makes full use of this... continue reading
Eric Marchese, Orange County Register 06/07/2010
KC Wilkerson's lighting design, not only his best ever, topping even last year's 'HAIR', but one of the most breathtaking blends of lighting and video I can recall seeing.
Steven Stanley, StageSceneLA 03/07/2010