Set designer:
Costume designer:
02/09/2005 to 22/10/2005
Show type:
Press quotes
Ali Allen (sets) and John Bishop (lights) pour on the Gothic atmosphere. We see castle ruins and arches, gnarled and spiked cemetery gates or beds with threateningly tall, shredded frames looming above them. The lighting ranges, approprietely, from blood-drenched to weak and pearly.
Donald Hutera, The Times 06/09/2005
The deisgns look like sets from expressionist cinema, with Ali Allen's elongated gothic arches and stylised cemetery perfrctly lit (or rather shadowed) by John Bishop's gloomy lighting.
Sanjoy Roy, The Guardian 06/09/2005
David Nixon's brand new interpretation of the Bram Stoker story has bold imagery, dramatic drive and an impressive atmosphere. ..... particularly when the breathtaking climax builds and explodes. ..... This ballet looks and sounds stunning throughout .....
Kevin Berry, The Stage 15/09/2005