Photograph from 1923 Müzikali - lighting design by Malcolm Rippeth
Photograph from 1923 Müzikali - lighting design by Malcolm Rippeth

1923 Müzikali

with Malcolm Rippeth as Lighting Designer


Set designer:

Costume designer:

Video designer:

23/04/2023 to 23/04/2025

Show type:

Designer's notes: 
Winner of the Haldun Dormen Special Award at the 25th Afife Theater Awards

Production photographs

Photograph from 1923 Müzikali - lighting design by Malcolm Rippeth
Photograph from 1923 Müzikali - lighting design by Malcolm Rippeth
Photograph from 1923 Müzikali - lighting design by Malcolm Rippeth
Photograph from 1923 Müzikali - lighting design by Malcolm Rippeth