Photograph from The Moon is Warmer than the Sun - lighting design by Marty Langthorne
Photographer: Lidia Crisafulli
Photograph from The Moon is Warmer than the Sun - lighting design by Marty Langthorne
Photographer: Lidia Crisafulli
Photograph from The Moon is Warmer than the Sun - lighting design by Marty Langthorne
Photographer: Lidia Crisafulli

The Moon is Warmer than the Sun

with Marty Langthorne as Lighting Designer

Sound designer:

Video designer:

31/01/2019 to 01/02/2019

Show type:

Production photographs

Photograph from The Moon is Warmer than the Sun - lighting design by Marty Langthorne
Photograph from The Moon is Warmer than the Sun - lighting design by Marty Langthorne
Photograph from The Moon is Warmer than the Sun - lighting design by Marty Langthorne
Photograph from The Moon is Warmer than the Sun - lighting design by Marty Langthorne
Photograph from The Moon is Warmer than the Sun - lighting design by Marty Langthorne
Photograph from The Moon is Warmer than the Sun - lighting design by Marty Langthorne