Photograph from The American Wife - lighting design by Max Blackman
Sanee Raval, Vidal Sancho & Sophie Angelson |
Photograph from The American Wife - lighting design by Max Blackman
Anne Wittman, Sophie Angelson, Julia Eringer & Mitchell Mullen |
Photograph from The American Wife - lighting design by Max Blackman
Emilio Doorgasingh & Julie Eringer |
Photograph from The American Wife - lighting design by Max Blackman
Anne Wittman, Emilio Doorgasingh & Julia Eringer |

The American Wife

with Max Blackman as Lighting Designer


Set designer:

Costume designer:

09/09/2016 to 01/10/2016

Show type:

Production photographs

Photograph from The American Wife - lighting design by Max Blackman
Photograph from The American Wife - lighting design by Max Blackman
Photograph from The American Wife - lighting design by Max Blackman
Photograph from The American Wife - lighting design by Max Blackman
Photograph from The American Wife - lighting design by Max Blackman
Photograph from The American Wife - lighting design by Max Blackman
Photograph from The American Wife - lighting design by Max Blackman
Photograph from The American Wife - lighting design by Max Blackman

Press quotes

Max Blackman’s lighting suitably complements the blocking, drawing attention to pockets of action whilst set changes happen on the remainder of the stage.
Daniel Perks, Exeunt Magazine 12/09/2016