Photograph from The Herbal Bed - lighting design by Malcolm Rippeth
Emma Lowndes as Susanna Hall and Philip Correia as Rafe Smith | Photographer: Mark Douet
Photograph from The Herbal Bed - lighting design by Malcolm Rippeth
Charlotte Wakefield as Hester Fletcher and Matt Whitchurch as Jack Lane | Photographer: Mark Douet
Photograph from The Herbal Bed - lighting design by Malcolm Rippeth
Charlotte Wakefield as Hester Fletcher and Michael Mears as Barnabus Goche | Photographer: Mark Douet

The Herbal Bed

with Malcolm Rippeth as Lighting Designer
, then touring


Set designer:

Sound designer:

05/02/2016 to 07/05/2016

Show type:

Production photographs

Photograph from The Herbal Bed - lighting design by Malcolm Rippeth
Photograph from The Herbal Bed - lighting design by Malcolm Rippeth
Photograph from The Herbal Bed - lighting design by Malcolm Rippeth
Photograph from The Herbal Bed - lighting design by Malcolm Rippeth
Photograph from The Herbal Bed - lighting design by Malcolm Rippeth
Photograph from The Herbal Bed - lighting design by Malcolm Rippeth

Press quotes's handsome, beautifully realised and impeccably presented. Dacre's attention to every detail – from Jonathan Fensom's wonderfully evocative set and Malcolm Rippeth's stunning lighting to the unobtrusive underscore of Valgeir Sigurdsson's pitch-perfect music – pays off... continue reading
Michael Davies, 15/02/2016
Malcolm Rippeth's lighting design frames scenes like a 17th century Dutch painting.
Tom Wicker, The Stage 10/02/2016