Showlight 2025 – The Call for Papers is Hotting Up!

It was great to see so many people at PLASA Show London last week and witness the excitement caused by the news that Showlight returns next May. Some people even stopped by to say just how excited they were and were already looking to book hotels!


There was a healthy contingent of students enquiring about the subsidised student scheme and huge interest in the new introduction of afternoon workshops for 2025. The format of the workshops is shaping up nicely and we are encouraging manufacturers, designers and students to put forward their ideas for more workshops. If you have a proposal, contact the Papers Committee on 


We have already received a great number of Papers proposals following our Call for Papers in June and are looking forward to more coming in. Remember to submit your Papers ideas for consideration by the Papers Committee as soon as possible. The Programme of Papers is the heart and soul of Showlight and we want to be able to bring you the best and most entertaining topics. We want to hear from lighting designers working in all disciplines: film, television, architectural, art installation, theatre, opera, event and concert lighting – anything to do with the art of lighting design in all its multiple facets and applications! 


So, don’t forget to put the dates in your diary (19-22 May 2025) and if you want information on becoming a Showlight Exhibitor, Sponsor, Speaker, Student, or Delegate, just drop us an email. Contacts can be found here 


And keep your eyes open for when tickets go on sale - sign up to the Mailing List on the website ( to be the first to hear!


Showlight is organised entirely by volunteers, literally from the ground up – a new country, a new venue, every time, providing the setting for unrivalled networking opportunities. Will you be there?




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LinkedIn: @showlightevent