HARMAN’s Martin Professional MAC Quantum Profile Fixtures Imbue Enrique Iglesias’s Sex and Love Tour With Style and Versatility
LOS ANGELES, California — Before pop star Enrique Iglesias set out to play some of
the world’s largest venues for his 2014 Sex and Love Tour he consulted Travis
Shirley, his longtime creative director and show designer. To make the show’s
production elements specialized yet easy to replicate in any tour destination,
Shirley deployed several classic lighting fixtures from HARMAN’s Martin Professional
and one new one—the MAC Quantum Profile.
Over the last decade, Shirley and Iglesias have done 12 tours together. The Sex and
Love Tour was a first, however, in that Iglesias shared the role of headliner for
some of the shows with Pitbull, which challenged Shirley to design a show concept
that was distinctly Iglesias’s style but could be augmented by Pitbull’s creative
team when necessary. Furthermore, the tour’s far-reaching itineraries made local
product availability a key concern.
“The show design that I sold Enrique on, which requires 14 trucks of gear, is
relatively straightforward to deploy when touring in America or Europe,” says
Shirley. “The difficulty is that when we do a one-off show in South Africa for
example, he expects the same production design and all the gear has to be sourced
locally. Obviously, that’s a lot of work but using Martin fixtures simplifies the
lighting aspect because they’re so universal in terms of availability and
For the Sex and Love Tour, which he describes as more of a “no frills rock and roll
show,” showcasing the live band was the highest priority. Shirley, who is drawn to
angular geometry in his stage designs and often anchors the creative elements to a
central shape, accomplished this with an arch design. A high riser in the middle of
the stage showcases Iglesias or certain performers and the arch itself acts as a
sort of orchestra shell around the band and serves as a truss to hang Martin
lighting fixtures. The overhead trusses all have a 30-degree curve to match the
stage below.
“The placement of the lighting fixtures has to be generic for versatility for the
Pitbull shows but we ended up with a relatively customized solution,” said Shirley.
“We affix the arch with MAC Quantum Profiles and use video screens upstage—the
different heights and aspects give each show dynamic synergy.”
Shirley describes the MAC Quantum Profiles as a key element of the Sex and Love
Tour’s production, emphasizing Iglesias’s distinct personal style while still being
sufficiently adaptable for Pitbull’s team and common enough to be found in
relatively far-flung tour destinations.
“I never do a show without Martin MAC 101s, MAC Vipers, MAC 2K Wash XB’s and MAC
Auras,” said Shirley. “They’re the backbone of every rig and now the MAC Quantum
Profile is becoming part of the family as well.”
Martin equipment
· MAC Quantum Wash, 8 pcs.
· MAC TW1, 12 pcs.
· MAC Viper Wash DX, 10 pcs.
For more information on Travis Shirley, please visit
For more information on lighting designer Enrique Iglesias, please visit
For more information, please visit: