Several years ago, Rosco innovated the concept of “a colour that keeps on giving” and Rick Fisher created Supergel 313, Light Relief Yellow. Rosco committed to make a donation to Light Relief from the income generated by the sales of the colour.This year’s cheque presented by Mark Engel, Rosco’s CEO brought Rosco’s contribution to Light Relief to $28,076. In presenting the cheque to Matthew Griffiths, Engel said:
“Every year, I have the opportunity to stand here with you and present Light Relief with a cheque for the proceeds from global sales of Rosco Supergel 313 Light Relief Yellow. It is one of the most fulfilling moments of the show for me and for Rosco. As you know we work hard to offer real solutions and tools for designers through our products, and working with you to develop this colour that continues year after year to provide much-needed, tangible assistance to the community, truly embodies the spirit of Rosco. This year, I am so pleased to present Rosco's contribution of $3,076 to Light Relief, bringing the current tally to over $28,000”.